Pastors must remind their congregations of the extreme importance in voting for prolife candidates...
"This wanton destruction of human life reveals a cultural change to barbarianism. It reveals a way of life utterly incompatible
with Christianity. American Christians must come to grips with the reality that they are living in a pagan land. Even the
church has been part of the revolution. In yesterday's election, more than 40 percent of church members voted for candidates
who were pro-abortion." (Commenting on the 2000 election, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Tabletalk, 5/01)
Many, many, conservative Christians are voting for political leaders who are pro-abortion, simply because they are uninformed,
or have grown an insensitive spirit to the immorality of abortion. The pastors of the Gospel Church must remind their congregations
of their duty to vote for prolife candidates, otherwise America will continue to keep abortion legal. Presented below
are several highly recommeded activities that pastors can participate in to support the prolife movement.
Get Your Church Involved Into Supporting Your Local Crisis Pregnancy Center.
These non-profit organizations counsel and support pregnant women free of charge. They are always desperate for volunteers,
financial donations, and baby items. Many churches sponser these organizations, and it is highly recommended that your church
donate regularly to help these saints minister to expecting mothers. To find your local crisis pregnancy center, look under
"Abortion Alternatives" in the Yellow Pages of your phone book, or go to www.pregnancycenters.org to locate one
in your area. Be absolutely sure that your church members are familiar with the location of the crisis pregnancy center in
their area. You could have women, in your congregation, who are contemplating abortion, but are ashamed to speak of their
unwanted pregnancy to their pastor. Such women need to speak to the experienced, professional counselors that are located
at these crisis centers. Reserve space in the church bullentin to advertise your local crisis-pregnancy center, so your members
will always be reminded that help is available.
Encourage A Pro-life Atmosphere At Your Church
Preach more about the immorality of abortion, but equally the forgiveness of abortion through Jesus Christ. When offering
up prayer during services, include a prayer for the end of abortion in America. Arrange for a Pro-life speaker to do a presentation
at a bible study or services. Encourage your members to be involved politically in moral issues, and include phone numbers
to their legislators in the church bullentin. (Many, Many Christians don't even know who their legislators are, or how to
contact them!) Have pro-life literature easliy available at your church for persons who are interested.
Promote The Pro-life Message
Definitely put one or two pro-life bumper stickers on your car! Everyday in traffic, or parked in a parking lot, people
love to read bumper stickers. It's easy advertising and stimulates others to think upon this crucial issue. Write pro-life
letters to the newspaper editor. Hand out literature to incoming patients at abortion clinics. So many babies have been
saved by Christians this way! It is commanded by God to speak out for those led to slaughter!
Proverbs 24
11: If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; 12: If thou sayest,
Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he
know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?
Support Pro-life Activities and Groups
Attend prolife marches and fundraisers that are organized in your area. Financially support prolife groups that commit themselves
full-time to the end of abortion in America. These groups and ministries may operate locally, statewide, or nationally. Without
these important groups, the prolife movement would be severely weakened. Some of these ministries are listed on the "Prolife
Links" page.